A global insurance system where sustainability factors are effectively integrated into the regulation and supervision of insurance companies.


SIF provides research on emerging issues, facilitates international collaboration and knowledge sharing, supports high-level policy engagement and joint statements in line with its work programme.


Over the last two years, SIF has been focusing on three key areas, working with members and partnering with specialist organisations to support its work in these areas, while supporting member activities.


1. Integration of Climate-related Risks into Insurance Capital and Supervisory Frameworks

In 2022, SIF undertook a high-level stock-take among members to understand whether climate-related risks were being incorporated in the capital frameworks of its members.


Building on this initiative, in 2023, SIF established the Capital and Supervisory Frameworks Working Group (CSWG), chaired by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS), to study the incorporation of climate-related risks in insurance capital and supervisory frameworks with respect to Pillars 1 and 2. As part of this work, the CSWG is exploring emerging thinking among supervisors on how climate-related risks can and should be addressed in supervisory frameworks, as well as a deep dive into the approaches and reflections from insurance supervisors on capturing climate-related risks within their capital regimes.

2. Transition Plans

SIF’s Transition Plans Working Group (TPWG) gathers inputs on member’s supervisory thinking and expectations around transition plans, including the role insurance supervisors can play in the development and implementation of transition plans by the insurance sector, and the challenges faced by supervisors in playing such a role.

3. Nature-related Risks

In 2021, SIF published a paper ‘SIF Scoping Study: Nature-related Risks in the Global Insurance Sector’, which explored how nature-related losses could translate into financial risks for the insurance sector, and how insurance supervisors and insurance companies were responding to these risks.


Building on this paper, in 2023, a workshop for members was organized in collaboration with the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) to introduce the TNFD framework, and how it could be applied to the insurance sector. SIF will continue to build capacity among members on nature-related issues, as well as contribute to work in this area.


With the launch of SIF Work Programmes, subject to their interest, SIF members and partners come together to form working groups to support specific work programme items, organized around key issue areas. The working groups are coordinated by the SIF Secretariat. The working groups may also engage external experts and other stakeholders, such as academics conducting relevant technical research.

2023 – Current: Mr. Daniel Wang, Executive Director of Insurance, Monetary Authority of Singapore
2020 – 2022: Ms. Anna Sweeney, Executive Director – Insurance, Bank of England
2018 – 2020: Mr. Geoff Summerhayes, Executive Board Member of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority
2016 – 2018: Mr. Dave Jones, Commissioner, California Department of Insurance.


SIF works closely with the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) on issues relating to sustainability, including climate-related risks. This includes the development of collaborative outputs with the IAIS Secretariat, and engaging with the IAIS Climate Risk Steering Group on climate risk issues relevant to the activities and strategy of the IAIS.


SIF also works in partnership with other supervisory coalitions focused on sustainability-related issues, including the Central Banks and Supervisors Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) and the Financial Stability Institute (FSI) of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), to provide input on activities relating to insurance supervision and regulation.


More broadly, SIF works with partners who are also focused on issues relating to sustainability within the insurance sector. This includes international and intergovernmental groups such as the UNEP FI Principles for Sustainable Insurance (UN PSI) and Access to Insurance Initiative (A2ii).